Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Mother Lost to Adoption

T'm searching my son,it's been 37 years,He's a lawyer with a family ,adopted through  the Childrens Home Society-born September 25th 1973th  He wieighrd 6 pds,asked the nurse,she wan't supposed to do that I heard.You were born in the StMarys Hospital, West Palm Beach,Fla.The women knew that I was in a vunerable staate,I was 24 yrs old.I wasn't only vunerable but I hadjust had you and my mind was not thinking normanaly.My then husband your father (now deceased) 2005 had drained my whole savings from the bank,he took off abandoning us,your older brother 5 years your age .He was born in September also.I had no support from my mother due to my stepfather that treated me at 12 like I didn't matter,I wasn't allowed to bring you to my mothers,she coudn't take up for me she said because of her own securuty,she and my grandmother cotributed most of the funds to buy that house,my stepdad made an apartment in the back for his daughter and five children,it wasn't fair,my friends ran thinking I would need money,I never borrowed from a friend,theur were NO prograns back then,it was every man ,women for themselves,if i had married well No peoblem,then Michael or you wouldn't exist.You will ony be born one time and to the one that gave you life,If you read up and have time about mothers you will see alot of truths that were hidden years ago,medical records are closed tp protect adoptive parents from letting out vip information thaat envolves that childs life,the doctors don't have any such records as they must come from the real mother but the 100 year old law prevented yhis,Tdenitys were cahnged,places and even  the day of birthday,it;s as though were're lnown criminals with no rights -equal  rights like the black,gays and lesbians ( they adopt too, not normal )   The Childrens Home Society emeied me back 8 months ago saying they found you,I was to fr]ill out the medical forms first then she told me to write you letters and sendphotos too,she Jen Graham that you spoke with I have no idea waht she said,unfit to be around,and you name if,isn't a fasle statement deflamation of character? She comlained about your secretarys alot examples sent her fake email !! said secretary thought she was a salesperson !!You were never in your office to take a call,claims she could not satate who she was or why she was calling ?? I don't get this,my trust isn't so much for her,she was however afraid of you??I sincerely you or someone that knows you will show this to you,I;m on Facebook under ArlineHunter    arlinehunter386@gmail.com  my photos for resemblence purposes only ,my photos or  try all photo ,still new at being a selftaught internet newie,excuse my mistakes.I live up towards Jacksonville,Fla.Florida is still beautiful,I lived in south Fla;when you were born,Please don't wait like the others that regretted that they waited too long as though age stops for mothers waiting ,their getting older and closer ,no one knows when sooner or allitle later.Call or email facebook please Much Loove for you and family

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